Suffolk, Virginia

By now, Everyone knows I attended a book festival in this city. Not only is the festival just about my favorite, but I love the city itself.

The Great Dismal Swamp lies just outside, and, I would suspect, some of the city lies on reclaimed swamp land. I’ve taken several tours of the swamp, which provided the basis for one of my favorite of my own books: Death in the Great Dismal.

The swamp was established as a wildlife preserve in 1974. It is a peat swamp and the estimate of the depth is 15 feet of peat. When walking through the swamp it is important to watch your footing; the tour guide dropped a pole down and it rapidly disappeared from sight. The preserve is owned by the wildlife. Signs of bears are everywhere. All the insects bite. Unusual birds flutter through the tall, straight pole pines. Truly an amazing place.

Suffolk is also a major producer of peanuts. A short drive around shows peanut farms and a drive through town brings one to the peanut factories. The peanut itself is a curious plant. The peanut is unusual because, although it flowers above ground, the seeds, I.e. peanuts, are below the ground. They have to be dried to release the moisture from the soil.

As is usual with some of the weird plants we eat for food, how were peanuts discovered? Did someone dig up the roots and find the peanuts growing beside the roots? Who figured out they need drying? That they can be roasted?

The Virginia peanut is large and very crunchy, larger than most, and so crunchy my jaw started to hurt. They are a legume, not a nut, despite the name. These groundnuts, originally only eaten by pigs, were studied extensively by George Washington Carver. He developed hundreds of uses for them but credit for making peanut butter lies with Dr. John Kellogg, he of cereal fame.

Currently Reading

Revenge in Rubies is the second in the Harriet Gordon Mysteries.

When the young wife of a British officer is murdered in her bedroom, the military closes ranks to keep Inspector Curran out. Harriet realizes her friendship with the victim’s sister-in-law might prove useful and she calls upon the bereaved family to offer comfort. Other murders quickly follow and both Harriet and Curran are soon in the killer’s sights.

Both of them must deal with their own demons before they can solve this mystery.

Another winner from A. M. Stuart. I love this series. Highly recommended.

I also read Dance of Bones by J. A. Jance.

Big Bad John Lassiter is convicted of the murder of his best friend and partner Amos Warren and sent to prison. Thirty years later his daughter, who he has never met, wants the case reopened. Brandon Walker is reluctant but agrees to look into it and finds that there is more than a reasonable doubt that Lassiter is innocent.

A parallel story involving Lani, Walker’s adopted daughter, intersperses the main story. The stories and rites of the Tohono O’odham tribe are a big part of this half of the novel.

The two stories meet, separate, meet separate again and again, finally joining for a blowout ending.

This is the first that draw J.P. Beaumont and Brandon Walker together in one book, which is interesting.

Recommended with reservations. There are a lot of characters. And, with the tribal stories, and the two halves of the mystery all happening at the same time, it starts to get a little confusing. But there is no doubt there is a lot going on and it keeps a reader’s interest.

The Suffolk Author’s Festival

Instead of blogging about books, I thought I would talk about the Festival. I’ve gone many years running; this is one of my favorite festivals. The staff is great, I love the area, and I really enjoy meeting the readers.

I also always sell quite a few books.

This year I also served on a panel. Moderated by Christine Trent (author of Lady of Ashes and the Florence Nightingale mysteries), the panel discussed Balancing Fact and Fiction. Also on the panel were Ellen Butler, Nicole Glover, Stacie Murphy, and Katharine Schellman. Of the panel members, outside of Christine, I’ve read only Katharine Schellman. Expect reviews of the other authors’ books to come. I bought eight books while I was there.

Other old friends I connected with: Heather Weidner and John Dedakis, both of whom have new books out in their series. (For Heather, it is the Pearly Girls.) Some authors I met last year: Maggie King and Mike Marsh I met last year and got reacquainted with this year.

New authors for me: Esme Addison and Lee Clark. I expect to read books by these authors as well.

The headliner was Tonya Kappes who has written more books than I can count.

This festival is such fun I hope to attend again next year.

Currently Reading

Sleep in Heavenly Pizza (the fourth of Mindy Quigley’s Deep Dish Pizza series) starts with a bang at a holiday party for a wealthy family. Delilah follows one of the women upstairs and quickly realizes something is going on. The undercurrents continue, culminating in the discovery of bare feet and ankles protruding from a snow mound at the annual snow sculpture festival. Delilah identifies the feet and Capone, the detective in charge, and her boyfriend, reveals that the body also wore no clothes.

What is going on?

Added to this puzzle is Melody’s jealousy of the wealthy friend of Delilah’s niece, who is flirting with the sexy bartender, and Rabbit’s jumpiness. What is going on with him? A recovering alcoholic, and a felon, he has been a model employee up to now. Delilah worries he has fallen off the wagon.

Another fun and charming cozy. The recipes at the back are an added bonus.

Currently Reading

The thistle and the rose, by Linda Porter, is a biography of Margaret Tudor.

Sister to Henry VIII and wife to James IV of Scotland, Margaret was married by age 14. James was almost thirty. She bore James six children, although only two survived: James V and his younger brother (who also died young.) Margaret was widowed in her early twenties when James was killed at Flodden.

A woman in a very patriarchal time, and in a foreign country, Margaret fought hard to hold on to the crown. The angry nobles of Scotland put the Duke of Albany over her as regent and her two boys were removed from her care. She was confined to Stirling Castle. This, despite her husband’s will, which specifically named as regent of his sons.

After a hasty remarriage, a disaster as the one that followed, and seven months pregnant, Margaret escaped captivity and fled to England and the not so tender embrace of her brother. Henry resented her, and resented him in turn and refused to obey his commands or allow him to control his life.

Margaret was really a remarkable woman. Her son, James V, became king largely because of his mother’s efforts.

The biography reads almost like fiction and is quite captivating. Highly Recommended.

Men and Jewelry – Addendum

Last week I blogged about the history of men’s jewelry. Today I read an article in BBC History with an interesting side note.

The article concerned the mystery of whether Richard III murdered the princes in the Tower. To summarize the history: In 1483, Edward IV’s sons were 12 and 9 at the time of the King’s death. Because Edward V was too young to rule, his uncle Richard of Gloucester was appointed Lord Protector to rule until his nephew was old enough. Shortly thereafter, he put the princes in the Tower.

Over the summer, they were seen less and less and by the end of the summer they were never seen again. At the time it was assumed Richard had murdered them. By then, he’d declared them illegitimate and taken the crown for himself.

In 1674, the skeletons of two children were discovered under a staircase in the Tower, close to where the prince had been kept. They were buried and although they were exhumed in the 30’s, the results of the analysis weren’t conclusive.

People who believe Richard murdered the boys rely on an account by Thomas More who wrote a detailed explanation of what happened and who was guilty. The skeptics believe More’s account was propaganda put forth by the Tudors.

However, the men More accuses were real people: Miles Forrest and John Dighton, and were carried out on the orders of Sir James Tyrell. He was Richard III’s right hand man and fiercely loyal. A will was also discovered which mentioned a gold chain (told you there was jewelry involved) that belonged to young Edward V. As I mentioned previously, gold chairs and jewels were frequently given as rewards to favored individuals. This chain was owned by a wealthy woman who was the sister-in-law of Sir James Tyrell. Tyrell’s lawyer was also a man named John More, the father of Thomas More. So we have a web of connections as well as a physical object.

Considering how desperately some people long for power (why, they might even invade an innocent country), the evidence here sounds pretty plausible. We may never know for sure, though, since there are no forensics except for the skeletons and tests on them have proven nothing.

Currently Reading

I read several books while I was on vacation (somewhere warm!), I read several books. But I want to focus on one: Three inch teeth by C.J. Box.

This is one of the newest (24 of 25) by Box and continues his Joe Pickett series.

This reads less like a mystery than an adventure story since we know from the beginning what is actually happening. The novel begins with a bang when the young man courting Sheridan, Pickett’s daughter, is attacked and killed by a grizzly bear. The situation rapidly becomes far more complicated when there are multiple murders all over Wyoming.

Simultaneously, Dallas Cates, a violent prisoner who swore vengeance on Joe, his friend Nate, and others is released from prison. He hooks up with Soledad, another enemy of Nate and Joe, and the two plan to murder the men they see as their enemies.

Action and violence filled. My own criticism is that MaryBeth plays a very small role in this one.

Men and Jewelry

Except for a wedding band or signet ring, in our culture men wearing chains or earrings was thought to be effeminate. That certainly has not been the case in the past. In fact, men have worn jewelry since the Neolithic. Then, they wore necklaces of teeth or claws, usually from an animal they themselves had hunted and killed. They were a sign of fierceness and hunting prowess.

In the Minoan times, men wore the fancy belts around their waists, just like the women. The frescoes show them wearing necklaces, armbands and earrings of precious metals and gems.

Ancient Egyptians not only wore earrings but armbands and large, heavy pectorals of gold and jewels. This fashion is clearly illustrated in the frescoes. Mummies were buried with their jewelry, not just the elite but common folk as well although the earrings might be made of bone instead of gold. Wearing silver and gold and precious gems was a sign of wealth and status. King Tutankhamun was buried with many pairs of earrings as well as other jewelry. Here’s an odd tidbit; statues of cats display earrings and jewelry has been found in the burials of sacred animals such as the Apis bulls. I find it hard to imagine the cats and dogs I’ve known putting up with earrings for a minute.

In the Renaissance, men wore heavy chains and massive rings, again as a symbol of wealth and status. (I suggest that the same is true of men today.Just look at the rappers and the hiphop stars.)

But what about earrings? A man wearing earrings has taken longer to become acceptable. I know I was startled when I saw a young man wearing diamond earrings that any woman would desire. But earrings have always been just as much a man’s adornment as a woman’s.

Pirates frequently wore earrings. Besides adorning themselves, the earrings could pay for a funeral if he died while on land. No one could accuse a pirate of effeminacy.

Jewelry has also been used as an award or prize. A new sailor had the privilege to put on a ring when he crossed the equator. European kings regularly rewarded a favorite with a piece of jewelry.

ashiI don’t wear too much jewelry – too lazy I guess – but I enjoy seeing it on other people.

Currently Reading

This past week I read two books that could not be more different, both suggested to me by Amazon.

While I read Murder for Christmas by Francis Duncan, I kept thinking that it had a very old fashioned feel. The action takes place at a Christmas Party, at a fancy house, in the snow. The detective, Mordecai Tremaine, is a bland fellow with piece-nez.

Christmas morning, the guests are shocked to find the body of a fellow guest wearing a Santa suit. He is the guardian of a young girl. (This is where the old-fashioned nature appears; the description of the girl, and the other women in fact, is very dated.) As usual, as Tremaine investigates, he discovers everyone has secrets, from Benedict Grame’s sister (planning to elope) to the seemingly dull married couple, to Benedict himself.

Dated in some respects but the mystery holds up. Recommended.

The second book I read was Singapore Sapphire.

Harriet Gordon has moved to Singapore to live with her brother after a stint in Holloway prison for her activities as a suffragette. Her brother is a minister and the headmaster of a boys’ school. Desperate for some income, she advertises her services as a stenographer and typist. When she goes to the home of her first client, Sir Oswald Newbold, to retrieve her typewriter, she finds his body. This introduces her to Robert Curran, the Detective Inspector of the Police force. Needless to say, Harriet involves herself in the investigation. She develops a friendship with Curran, something she wishes would be more. But he is already involved with a beautiful Chinese woman.

This mystery has it all: interesting characters, an exotic and well-drawn locale, and a captivating mystery.


Let’s Eat or Food in different eras

Since I like to cook, I find researching the food eaten in the different times I write about in my books fascinating. I own several Shaker cookbooks as well as one of the first written (from the late 1700s). (I also own multiple ethnic cookbooks, several Amish, a Middle Ages and Elizabethan cookbooks, and a handwritten cookbook with old recipes handed down by family from the Depression.

I do not, of course, own anything from the Bronze Age Crete mysteries. Not only have we not decoded Linear A, but archaeologists are still excavating and interpreting what they find. Although we know that the Ancient Minoans had grapes and made wine, as well as olives, and olive oil, the rest of their diet is a little mysterious. We are not even sure they ate cheese, although right now theories tend toward yes. Researching what they ate has been a challenge. I assumed they drank an herbal tea and we know they drank beer as well as wine. Since barley was grown throughout the region, it is generally thought that was part of their diet. And since almond trees grow on Crete, we can be pretty sure they ate almonds.

The diet in early America tended to be meat heavy. Farmers had poke, although the pigs were almost feral and allowed to run wild. Cattle, sheep, poultry – all of it could end up on the dinner table. They also consumed game of various types. One of the recipes I saw began ‘tie the front legs of the turtle together.’ Venison is heavily featured. I have several recipes for squirrel (without any direction for cleaning or skinning). One begins with ‘cut two squirrels into pieces’, and ends with ;young squirrels can be fried.’ All I can is say is EWW.

The old time New England cookbook has fewer meat recipes but a lot involving lobsters, oysters, clams and so on. As one would expect.

What surprised me about the Medieval and Elizabethan cookbooks was the amount of spice and sugar used. These must have been food for the wealthy while the poorer folk ate cabbage.

Probably my favorites among these old cookbooks, though, are the Shaker ones. The Shaker Sisters cooked for a crowd so everything is in large amounts. They were famous for their foods, their cider, their seeds. They probably ate the best of anyone.

But what I like is those cookbooks contain extensive baking chapters. All kinds of bread, cakes, cookies and pies. Their potato bread is great, although it makes many more loaves than I need. The one failure that I’ve tried is the recipe for lemon pie. The lemons are sliced thin, covered with sugar, and baked in a crust. It was unbearably sour.

The Depression recipes include such items as navy bean hash, fried bean patties, and desserts such as tomato soup cake and grape pudding. Eggs and sugar were expensive so they were kept to a minimum or left out altogether (usually with some odd substitution.)