With the preparations for the release of the fist book in the new series (more about that in a few days), I have not been able to read as much as usual. However, I did finish two books, both about Maine.
The first is Death in Acadia, a nonfiction book about the park.

These are true stories about usually fatal misadventures in the park. The first section is devoted to rogue waves coming off the ocean and whisking away people seated on nearby rocks. Some are dashed against the rocks but survive; some succumb to hypothermia. A few entries deal with Thunderhole, an iconic tourist stop on Ocean Drive. I now understand why the steps leading down to the inlet are frequently closed off.
I also read Almost Midnight by Paul Doiron, another in the Mike Bowditch series.

Mike is called away from his vacation by an old friend, Billy Cronk. Billy is in prison and is suspicious about one of the guards. Mike looks into her but he suspects Billy is seeing a conspiracy when there isn’t one. Now what to do with the rest of his vacation? In quick succession, Bowditch is given an ultimatum by his girlfriend, Dani Tate, and is called to a Veterinary Clinic because his wolf dog Shadow has been shot by a crossbow. Mike, of course, decides to investigate on his own time and runs afoul of some of the scary characters in Northern Maine.
Darker than some of his others but captivating.