Currently Reading

In the Irish Hostage, Bess travels to Ireland to serve as a maid of honor in a wedding. That wedding, does not go forward, however, since the groom is abducted and feared dead. Another death, which appears to have no relation at al to the disappearance of the groom, occurs nearby.

The description of the Irish Troubles (the novel takes place not long after 1916) is absolutely captivating and Todd does a wonderful job of making the reader feel Bess’s emotions: attraction to one of the Irish men, fear for her safety and more.

In a Fatal Lie, Ian Rutledge investigates the murder of a man but his investigation rapidly become so much more. The victim was hunting for his young daughter, abducted from her pram. What had he discovered before his murder? Another winner from Todd, although Hamish plays a smaller role.

I also want to note the death of Caroline Todd, one half of the writing duo with her son Charles, at 86. The new Bess Crawford and Ian Rutledge had already been turned in. It remains to be see what happens to the characters now.