The groundhog is no more

Yesterday the groundhog came out of its burrow while the dog was outside. Shelby immediately took off after the groundhog and cornered it by the fence. After a battle, Shelby killed the groundhog.

Although I really wanted the groundhog to go away, I feel terrible now. I am thankful that I did not witness the fight. My husband did and said it was brutal.

It remains to be seen if we have a colony of if that was the only one.

I find it ironic that I, someone who writes murder mysteries, could be so upset by the death of a pest rodent.

Radishes and rabbits

I’ve thinned the radishes three times so far and plenty more to come.


We should have peas soon – but not broccoli. I had to replant since the groundhog ate the last planting right to the ground. Since Shelby has been outside, though, no sign of the groundhog. Shelby saw a rabbit yesterday and chased it to the other side of the yard. I think she might have caught it if she hadn’t been yelping in excitement.

Shelby and the groundhog

Hunting the groundhog.

shelby two









shelby three








shelby four


I don’t think she will ever catch the groundhog but she tries hard, investigating every hole and doing her best to push her 60 pound body inside after him.





I must say, last year the groundhog reduced my garden to bare stalks. Since we fenced in the yard and allowed Shelby to run, my garden is untouched.

Shelby and Munch

I can just hear a lot of people saying, “Wha. . . .?” Especially if you don’t know me personally or haven’t read “Death of a Dyer”.

Shelby is my dog.



We’ve had her over five years. Previously, before my marriage, I owned another dog. When she died (at 17+ which amazed the vet) I was so heartbroken I didn’t get another pet for many years. After I recovered, I asked my husband for a dog for my birthday. When we went to the shelter to look at dogs, Shelby chose my husband and has really been his dog ever since. So I got my husband a dog for my birthday.

Anyway, I included Shelby in “Death of a Dyer”. I changed her sex and made her black ( Like she is going to sue me right?). I called her Munch because, after chasing groundhogs, eating is her most favorite thing to do. In the five years since we’ve had her, she has gained 22 pounds. (Granted, she was emaciated when we got her but still.) The vet told us to start watching her weight. Not easy to do with three little boys who want to share their food with her.